ThinkPlanLaunch Hired to Benchmark Sales Performance
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Austin, Texas (July 8, 2015) - A professional services corporation headquartered in Austin, which has offices from coast to coast, has hired ThinkPlanLaunch to benchmark sales performance. After struggling to understand what factors affect sales [...]
Steven Fies Acquires Behavioral Analyst Certification (CPBA)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Austin, Texas (March 10, 2015) - Steven M. Fies was awarded a Professional Behavioral Analyst certification (CPBA) today from TTI Success Insights. Fies is the President & CEO of ThinkPlanLaunch and directly engaged in consulting the firm's clients. [...]
Steven Fies Acquires Motivators Analyst Certification (CPMA)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Austin, Texas (March 10, 2015) - Steven M. Fies was awarded a Professional Motivators Analyst certification (CPMA) today from TTI Success Insights. Fies is the President & CEO of ThinkPlanLaunch and directly engaged in consulting the firm's clients. This [...]