Austin, Texas (July 8, 2015) – A professional services corporation headquartered in Austin, which has offices from coast to coast, has hired ThinkPlanLaunch to benchmark sales performance. After struggling to understand what factors affect sales performance at the individual and team level, they decided it was time for an overhaul.

According to Steven Fies, President & CEO of ThinkPlanLaunch, “…the client was really struggling to grow their sales team. They went through a long period of fits and starts. Hired the wrong people, didn’t provide training to address individual needs, and lacked vision in their long-term sales strategy.

“They came to us upon realizing they had tried everything and were out of ideas. They were ready to end the stagnation. They made the right decision to call us.”

Professional assessments were given to all members of the existing sales team. Key individuals were debriefed and extended coaching was provided to the VP sales. Clear job profiles were established for top performing salespeople.

“The client now has a clear understanding what top sales performers look like, how to hire them, and how to groom them,” says Fies. “We uncovered some red flags during our audit, and now they know why turnover was high and performance was low. They have a clear path forward. We’ve shifted the 80/20 back into their favor.”

About ThinkPlanLaunch

ThinkPlanLaunch is a talent management system service provider. They help their clients reach peak performance, both at at the individual and organizational levels. By using PhD-designed, market-tested tools and processes proven to work over the past 35 years, ThinkPlanLaunch helps their clients hire with 93% accuracy, increase employee engagement, and strengthen leadership.

Steven Fies
2320 Gracy Farms Ln. #613
Austin, Texas 78758
United States
Ph: 512-614-2444
