
  • Intrinsic Motivation
  • Team Building

Intrinsic Motivation and Driving Forces – The Utilitarian

What is Intrinsic Motivation and Driving Forces? What we used to call "Motivators" (and before that, "Values") are now called Driving Forces.…

  • DISC
  • Team Building

DISC – Leadership skills for the High-I

High-I Leadership The High-I stands for "influencer" as explained in detail in our in-depth look at each personal behavioral style…

  • Employee Selection
  • Executive Coaching
  • Planning & Execution

How to Lead and Manage Millennials

Millennials (myself included) are creeping up on older generations in the workplace. This White House Council of Economic Advisers report shows we…

  • News & Press

Hospitality Employee Prepares for New Role in Human Resources

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Austin, Texas (January 27, 2016) - An employee from the hospitality industry is working with ThinkPlanLaunch to guide her…

  • DISC
  • Team Building

DISC – Leadership skills for the High-D

The High-D stands for “Dominant” as explained in detail in one of our previous posts. It is one of the…

  • Intrinsic Motivation
  • Team Building

Intrinsic Motivation and Driving Forces: What Are Yours?

Intrinsic Motivation and Driving Forces Defined Let's talk about intrinsic motivation. In my industry, DISC tests and behavioral styles are "all the…

  • News & Press

Wireless Retailer Saves $800K with Job Benchmarking

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Austin, Texas (Januay 18, 2016) - One of the big four national wireless retailers has reduced turnover from…