
  • Executive Coaching
  • Team Building

Train Employees In Leadership

Leadership skills for your employees Some are born a leader, some learn how to be a leader, and some are…

  • Employee Selection
  • Team Building

Hiring for skills and experience is a mistake

Hiring based on only skills and experience is a common mistake many businesses make. It’s the section of the resume…

  • DISC
  • Team Building

DISC Personality Types – The High-D

In this article, we will explore the nature of the "High-D" as ranked by a DISC test. Reminder: DISC measures…

  • Employee Selection
  • Planning & Execution
  • Team Building

Engineer Your Hiring Process for Success

In this article, we will examine the importance of engineering your hiring process - and how to do it. What…

  • News & Press

Attorney Gets Promoted After Coaching by ThinkPlanLaunch

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Austin, Texas (October 27, 2015) - An attorney in Pennsylvania is counting his blessings today after being promoted to a…

  • Employee Selection
  • Executive Coaching
  • Team Building

DISC Personality Test – What does it measure?

You might have heard of a DISC Personality Test or "DISC Profile" before. In this post, we will explain what…

  • Employee Selection
  • Self-Management
  • Team Building

Personal Accountability: The Most Important Job Skill

Recently our partner organization's chairman, Bill Bonstetter, wrote a great brief on the importance of personal accountability. In Bill's words, "If…