Steven Fies Acquires Motivators Analyst Certification (CPMA)


Austin, Texas (March 10, 2015) – Steven M. Fies was awarded a Professional Motivators Analyst certification (CPMA) today from TTI Success Insights. Fies is the President & CEO of ThinkPlanLaunch and directly engaged in consulting the firm’s clients. This certification reflects his knowledge of motivational psychology and enables him to administer, analyze, and debrief TTI’s motivators and driving forces assessments.

What is the CPMA certification?

The CPMA certification requires successful completion of a comprehensive exam provided by TTI Success Insights. The exam measures knowledge of motivators theory and the application of this knowledge based on TTI’s Motivation Insights® instrument. The following topics are covered in the examination:

  • History of Motivators & Driving Forces
  • The Six Core Attitudes & Twelve Driving Forces
  • Reading and Interpreting Assessment Data & Graphs
  • High/Low Score Disparity and Ranking Factors
  • Relationship of Each Attitude to the National Mean
  • Applications of Data/Graphs to Consulting Scenarios

What is Motivational Analysis?

Motivational research tells us the most successful people are highly motivated. They bring a certain energy and passion to their work, life, and goals that others struggle to find. Research also shows us people are not motivated by the same things. To perform their best, a person’s work must be in proper alignment with their core motivators.

Motivational analysis is based on six core attitudes:

  • Theoretical – desire for knowledge.
  • Utilitarian – desire for return on investment.
  • Aesthetic – desire for balance and harmony.
  • Social – desire to help and serve others.
  • Individualistic – desire to lead and be recognized.
  • Traditional – desire for order and structure.

The 12 Driving Forces further divide these six attitudes into min/max pairs for greater depth of understanding. You can understand, clarify and amplify your motivation with a proper understanding of your scores across these areas.

Applications of Motivators Assessments

Motivators assessments have many functional applications in the workplace. They allow for better communication, help managers to effectively motivate their employees, and play a critical role in hiring/selection. Many issues related to turnover, attrition, and retention can be traced back to misalignment of a person’s motivators with their job.

At the individual level motivators assessments empower you to:

  • Learn how your passions frame your perspectives.
  • Build on your unique strengths, which you bring to work and life.
  • Develop an accurate understanding of yourself as a unique person.
  • Understand how your unique motivational profile affects your career and relationships.
  • Apply your understanding of motivators to your relationships and work performance.
  • Gain a clear understanding of your purpose and direction in life, leading to greater satisfaction in work and life.

Steven Fies
2320 Gracy Farms Ln. #613
Austin, Texas 78758
United States
Ph: 512-614-2444


Steven Fies: Steven Fies is the President & CEO of ThinkPlanLaunch. He is a Certified Professional Behaviors Analyst (CPBA), Certified Professional Motivators Analyst (CPMA), and Certified Emotional Intelligence Specialist (CPEQ). He holds a B.S. in Management Science from the University of California at San Diego, where he graduated with Economics Department Honors & Distinction.